How to reduce the black layer that is formed under the eye? Are there any tips to reduce the wrinkles in the face?

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Next to pimple formation, many people have a common problem under the eye. Due to heavy and overtime work and using mobile phones or laptops for a long time cause under the eye, that means black layer formation. To avoid these formations some tips are given below. We can cure these kinds of skin problems by adjusting our food limit and also using some creams. If you want to buy beauty or any other fashion items Fitness avec La Licorne Beauté  is one of the best websites where you get more new collections of fashion items.

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Many people would feel more discomfort when they see their black layer under the eye. To avoid the black layer always use coolers to cover your eye while you are travelling. If you travel without wearing a cooler you can feel dull eyes in the evening. So before starting applying creams to avoid the black layer first have the habit of wearing coolers while riding. For example, every person has the habit of travelling and it is a must in our daily life so when you travel to cover your face using clothes and leave some gap while covering after two to three days you can see a black line from the uncovered area. Like the same when you travel without covering your face it will cause your face skin and also under the eye. The eye area is six times more sensitive than normal skin in our body. The black layer makes the person look like an aged person. It seems like a step by step process at first you can see one or two black lines and finally, it may change your skin colour. And the main thing is when you buy a cooler for your eye protection always check whether the cooler has UV protection or not. If you buy any cooler that is available for less cost it may not have the ability to protect your eyes from UV rays.

The next tips are to apply sunscreen while you’re travelling or even when you go outside to nearby shop sunscreen is necessary that protects your skin and acts as a UV protector.

Then avoid scrubbing your eyes some people would always have the habit of rubbing their eyes often. And some women while applying cream in their under eye usually have the habit of scrubbing their eyes using hard tissue paper. It is also should be avoided if you want to apply any cream for your black layer before that use some cotton and clean your eye then use a little amount of oil to cover your eye. Oil makes your skin smooth.

Then use some Castrol oil, coconut oil for massaging. Or else you can also mix both the oils for massage. While massage blood circulation in your under-eye would be in a proper way. If the blood circulation is good automatically you can see the reduction of the black layer in the under-eye and also reduce in wrinkles.

at last, the common thing even your eye and also your hair if you wash it using hot water the hot water makes the skin dry soon and also looks like an aged person.